ࡱ>    ܥhc e} }ppppppp  LX>Oppppp୔ppppPossible Topics for Reading Log The following list is only a beginning for you. Remember to explain your answers using information from the books that you have read. Add to this list when you think of something else you would like to write about and share your ideas with the class. Was the ending satisfying? Why or why not? Who were the main characters? Did you like them? Were they believable? Did you laugh? Did you cry? Explain. How did the author get you involved in the story? Where and when did the story take place? How important was the setting? Was the title appropriate? What title would you have given the book? Why? Was the plot believable? Were you kept in suspense? Was there enough action? Explain. Was the book too long? Too short? Explain. Who told the story? Would the story have been different if it were told from a different point of view? Could you figure out the outcome too easily? Why? Does the book remind you of any others? How? Is the book like others that the author has written? Is it as good? Does the book remind you of any TV shows or movies? How? Which was better? Why did you decide to read this book? Would you recommend it? To whom? Why? How did the book make you feel? Did the book make you think about anything? What? Why? How do you choose books to read? What are the connections between this book and your life? What did you learn from the book that you didn't know before? Did you get involved with the characters and their actions? What did you like about the book? Did not like? What were the best and worst parts of the book? How would you rate this book? (This can be done only AFTER you finish your book, and you must explain your rating.) Does the book need an epilogue? What would it say? Do you wish the book had a sequel? Why? 28. Have you read any other books like this one? Compare them to it. /= } u]cU]c  ! !"O>|'u@{) Z  0 v w x z { | } h 4h.'K @ Normal ]a c"A@"Default Paragraph Font}}  } @LTimes New Roman Symbol "Arial TimesNew York"ĘfĘfD!, +OPossible Topics for Reading LogJoean PearlmanJoean Pearlman Root Entry F୔ WordDocumentCompObjjSummaryInformation(  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qOh+'0 ,8 ` l x  Possible Topics for Reading LogJoean PearlmanNormalJoean Pearlman2Microsoft Word fDocumentSummaryInformation8   FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qt u   Possible Topics for Reading Logor Windows 95d@G@ ܂@ڧ@ڧ,՜.+,0@HT\ dl t u   Possible Topics for Reading Log