Drama 6: Mask and Movement


The Drama 6 course encourages students to express their ideas through body and voice. Each day begins with group warm-ups, which energize the body and mind by focusing on full body movement and quick-thinking acting games. Once energized, the students participate in an individual exercise that focuses on building confidence through physical expression. This is followed by a group exercise demanding teamwork in order to problem-solve, brainstorm and eventually create a mini-performance for the class. Examples of exercises and performance work include: storytelling duets, small group storytelling, tug of war miming, clowning routines, and a blend of Afro-Latin and creative dancing.


Goals :

Allow the student to become aware of the expressiveness of his/her body.

Guide the student to become less self –conscious around this expression, and feel more comfortable within his/her body.

Broaden the student’s awareness of how we speak with our bodies in everyday life.

Gain self-esteem by accomplishing a given activity that has no right or wrong way of completing it.

Learn tolerance and patience by not judging each other, and allowing everyone to be seen and heard.

Gain confidence and increase performance abilities and stage presence.


Rules :

Respect each other and yourself.

Do not negatively criticize another’s response to a drama activity.

One person speaks at time; the rest of us listen to what is being said.

Any question or comment about a given activity is to be asked at the beginning or end of the lesson.