Drama 1: Creative Dramatics


CREATIVITY – Original ideas that have value…Ken Robinson


Course Description: 

An well-rounded approach to the art of acting.

Recommended for beginning and intermediate actors.  The course

provides basic techniques through observational exercises, journaling,

improvisation, group work, scene work, vocal exploration,

movement exploration, and monologue work.


Goals and Objectives:



A full and enthusiastic involvement in all class projects/exercises.


The atmosphere in Drama 1 must be very special if we are to craft original works of value.  Grading and the kind of evaluation you have experienced in other courses do not exist here.  The primary concern is your commitment to a process of dramatic creation.  Leave your cowardice and judgment at the door.  Everyone must be willing to work openly with his/her classmates.  Everyone must be willing to express him/herself; to show the unique human being that you are. Finally, creativity can only flourish in a non-judgmental environment. We must all take care to ensure that our classroom is a safe and judgment-free setting to discover and create!

Graded Class Work & Performance Projects:

• Journal

• Quiz

• Me Bag

• Journey Performances

• Clowning Character

• Open Scenes

• Movement to Music

• Brown Paper Bag Play

 • 3 Word Scene

 • New Yorker

 • Let There Be Life

 • First Line / Last Line

• Monologue

• The Living Newspaper Scene

• Original Group Performance – Timothy Tim

• Written Critiques for 2 Mainstage Productions

• Participation and Personal Growth

*Note: Grades will be based on the following:

25%           Notebook (record of your process)

25%          Contribution to the atmosphere of the class

25 %         Dramatic Growth (Journey)

25%          Performance (product) and critiques

*Note: Late projects and/or critiques will receive a grade point reduction.