O'Mara January 2010

On-line Test Guidelines

Read, understand and follow these directions carefully.

You will receive credit for your work only if you follow these directions carefully.

What resources can I use?

This test is an open-note, open book test. You can use any printed reference material including

online resources. You ARE NOT allowed to consult other students or any other individual about answers on

the test.  The answers should be your own work and the result of your own efforts to gather the

materials to formulate an answer. You are allowed to discuss the CONCEPTS of the test but you cannot

your answer choices. Do not show anyone your test.

When will the test be available? Is it available all day?

It will be posted on Wed afternoon and taken down on Monday night 10 pm.

How many times can I take the test?

You can take the test twice (if you chose) and I will take the higher grade.

I will review submissions from each day and email you the score only- not your answers.

If you choose, you can redo your test. Both attempts must be completed by Monday night.

How does the test count? Do both submissions count in the grade?

During this semster, the I will only take the higher score and there are no opportunities for corrections.

Print out the test and work through the questions carefully and see me if you have any questions BEFORE you submit.

You are strongly encouraged to use both opportunities to do your best. If you only are able to submit one test during the

administration of the test that one test will be taken as the grade.

What if I only take the test once?

We understand that many Pingry kids are extensively committed outside of school. We are hoping

that administering tests in this manner we are helping you manage stress, commitments, and most of all

encouraging you to learn the material instead of cram. But if you only take the test once, we can only

take that grade. Please see me in advance if you forsee a conflict with your ability to take the test

during the allotted time period.

How is the test tracked?

The online testing program send your test results to my email along with the details of your answers.

Your IP address is tracked to identify from where you are logging onto the test.

By following the link at the bottom of this page, you are agreeing to all of the

requirements above. Please contact me if you have any questions before

proceeding. Once you access the test, you will see three fields that you need

to complete.


ID: CLASS PERIOD (12 or 34 or 56)


Macromolecules Test Revised- based on critique from kids....some questions were changed in this version.

You are allowed to resubmit up to three times since there is a second VERSION.