Fifth Grade General Music

Fifth Grade Field Trip

Lincoln Center, New York City

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Tour of Lincoln Center

Fifth grade students are all enrolled in general music class, which meets once per cycle.  General music classes emphasize a variety of concepts including music appreciation, singing, recorder, piano, choir chimes, and music technology.  Each year the fifth grade goes on a field trip as part of the general music curriculum.

5th Grade Grading policy

The National Standards for Music Education, listed below, are foundational in forming the music curriculum.

National Standards for Music Education

1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

8-26-2013  trb