Final Exam Instructions and Review Materials 2008
The final exam will be 1.5 hour cumulative assessment for the entire year's work.
You are responsible for all the major units of the year for the final exam.
Here are several suggestions for your preparation.
The test will consist of
Part I- in class multiple choice- a cross section of the entire year. This section will have a few questions from each
section of the year. You are allowed to use your outlines that YOU have created. See guidlines below. Additionally you
will be paired randomly with a partner.
Designated Exam Period:
When you enter the exam room simply look for the exam with your name on the front.
BE SURE that it is YOUR exam with my name on it!!!
Over the years many kids have simply sat down and taken another teacher's test and then had to come
in on the Friday to redo it. Please, please, do not let that happen to you!
Part II- approximately 90 MC- on scan tron in exam. Bring a pencil.
Part III- three short answers. You will be given 3 pairs of questions and you must choose one from each pair. Each response
is expected to be a well constructed paragraph.
Part IV- Graphing Question- you will be given a set of data you are you required to graph and interpret the findings.
Good luck!
I. Outlines
To prepare for the final exam please prepare YOUR OWN outlines of each unit of the the year.
Condense everything for the entire section to one page back and front. Feel free to copy diagrams
and make new diagrams but be sure that you understand what you are writing!
Condense and connect!
I know many of you are hooked on computers BUT
I would strongly suggest writing at least a portion of the outline using your own hand.
The manual task of writing out material is better for retention of the material.
Expected outlines:
1. Basic Chemistry and Biochemistry
2. Cellular Structure and Cell Dynamics
3.Cellular Energetics
4. DNA Structure and Expression
6. Cellular Reproduction
7. Genetics and Inheritance
8. Evolution
9. Labs
You will be permitted to use the outlines on the in-class group portion of the final exam.
This portion of the exam will be 35 multiple choice questions that will be taken open outline and with
YOUR prepared outlines. You will not know your partner ahead of time so please prepare your outlines thoroughly!
2. Practice Tests
I reuse many old test questions from test given during the year.
Use the following tests practice your understanding. I have set up the tests so that you will receive the answers
in your email.
3. Review Outline