Biology II Honors

Fall 2009- O'Mara


Materials Required:

Textbook:  Biology: Concepts and Connections, Campbell- You will only need to read this book AT home. Please leave at home on your desk and read it

when assigned.

Materials- Spiral Notebook and Loose leaf paper, Dividers for each section of the semester.  Pens for notetaking in class.

A lab notebook- suggested bound,black, marbled tablet notebook

You are expected to check the website daily. I will post links, dox, as well as linked assignments.

December 2009


December 1

Drew is requesting a report from each school to be received by us NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009. It should be sent electronically in an email and include:


1) your school's updated Combined Clone Report Sheet

2) the Power Point Slides of the mocked up gel pictures for all gels run so far

3) the Power Point Slides of the Clone Summary Presentation

Dec 2

Clones for Sequencing organized by David Sukhin and Caryn Ha

David and Ed gel of direct colony PCR restriction digests.  Waiting on Mocked up version????

Updated Clone Sheet  by M&M

Presentation ppt.


Please review the above and DOUBLE CHECK  your results against what is listed here as the stated results. We need to be sure ALL version of the data MATCH!

So check

-clone sheet

-Clones for sequencing

-and go through ppt find all your sure all is correct and correctly labeled!

Dec 3

Back to Evolution

Review the body of evidence of evolution

Be sure to unstand gene pool

& population




 Using the "fish" from your notes identify

 p & q


p+q=1- allelic freq, describes the population NOT individuals

p2 + 2pq+ q2=1 describes genotype or individuals in the population.

The information from one equation can be used to derive the information in the other....

for HW see if you can find the frequency of the

using the equation we can determine the frequency of alleles of a population


Within a partnership create 10 slide presentation that describes the entire Waksman Project to the point that we have completed. You can mention the intended outcome of the bioinformatic portion but you only need to cover that terms of clarification. After discussion with the bio teachers, I decided to have you present to the class and your peers will help grade the project (in addition to my grade) during your presentation.

Due the 16 17th 18th- all should be prepared to present by the 16th. 

Dec 4

Waksman Meeting at Rutgers

4 pm

Permission Slip

Leaving at 3:30 from Athletics Entrance

Confirmed attending;

Ed X. and Mich. Enn.,  Madi Taylo, Marisa Werner


Big Blue Invitational!





Evolution Continues to the Origin of Life.

Please read 16.1- 16.6

Please put Stanley Miller diagram in your notebook.

Review the significance of the pieces that make up the experiment.

What is the evidence against SM experiment?

Please look at the video posted to the left about the orgin of life.



10 11


Practice quiz


Practice quiz

Practic Review Quizzes from first semester. Please use you notes and submit by monday night /Tuesday am


Final Guidance on WSSP presentations:

Please remember that you need to include analyis of YOUR gels. Though many gels contain lots of students  work just circle YOUR work and be prepared to discuss your work  Don't hesistate to discuss results that you do not understand or that did result in what was expected.  What are the sizes of your all your clones?  How did you come to that knowledge.


Complete practice clone 1 and least part of 2


More on practice clones.


Presentations Begin for WSSP

ALL STUDENT SHOULD HAVE  Presentations complete by this class. The order of presentation will be random so be ready to present your work.



Last day of classes

Off to Chemistry!!!!

21 22 23 24 25 26/27
28 29 30 31




November 2009

Monday Nov 2

SMART Team Field to Columbia University- Dr. Scott Banta

Movie: Judgement Day

Tuesday, Nov 3

Judgement Day Continues

Behe Website


Wed, Nov 4

Reviewed DNA extraction for PV92 Insert. Click here for lab instructions.

Evolution Discussion today about Darwin and the Origin of the Species. And evidence of for evolution- vestigial structures, homologous structures. Review ppt for hw.

Read Chapter 13 and make sure that you have reviewed the links.

Thursday, Nov 5

DNA extraction first period

Evolution Continues

Evolution questions due monday


Friday, Nov 6

Waksman quiz! Open notes.

Make sure that you have your notebook and gels annotated.

Diagram bank that will be used on the quiz.

7 & 8



Overnights of new colony picks.


Restriction digests of ALL clones over 500 base pairs.

Careful notation on tubes


Run gel on PCR'ed colonies.

Some groups need to prepare PCR reactions.

I will post the gel for the second batch of colony picking as soon as I can. Please mock up and put in your notebook

Be prepared to give all clone data to Michaela tomorrow. She will record the data on her spread sheet..

12 Fall Play

Professional Development Conference

Evolution video 1st period/ answer question:

Evaluate the following statement: "the bacteria grew resistant  since the introduction of antibiotics". According to the principles of evolution, do you agree or disagree with this statement? Support your answer by incorporating your understanding of the terms diversity, fitness, and reproduction. (You DO NOT need to define these terms; make sure you use them properly in context of your discussion. Answer in no more than 4-5 sentences.


2nd period- Micheala will have the clone sheet and you should be giving the information about your clones. Remember it needs to be complete!!!!! ALL data, including all PCRs- even if the insert is under 500 bp needs to be recorded.

13 Fall Play

Professional Development


Evolution video

answer questions for hw.

Evaluate the following statement: "  the modern day whale evolved from modern day wolves". According to the principles of evolution, do you agree or disagree with this statement? Support your answer by incorporating your understanding of the terms diversity, fitness, and reproduction. (You DO NOT need to define these terms; make sure you use them properly in context of your discussion. Answer in no more than 4-5 sentences.

14/15 Fall Play


Give back papers!!

Went over grades


Evolution questions from last week are being collected on Wed

17 Parent Conference Day - no classes


Evolotion questions collected



Review miniprep protocol. Be sure that you do!!!!



Mini-prep your Overnights that are over 500 base pairs-

please review how to complete minipreps. The sequencing of your clone depends on the quality of the miniprep.


You can- if you have time- set up your digest tubes WITHOUT adding enzyme. We will add the enzyme in class on friday



Set up restriction digests.



at CP  please come back and add loading dye to your digest.


put  your digest inthe correct box.




Gel of restriction digest of student selected clones of direct colony PCR. 


25 Thanksgiving Break

26 Thanksgiving Day 27 Thanksgiving Break 28/29


Preparation for the waksman meeting.

Assignments were divided among the class.

All ppt are due on Wednesday.







October 2009

      1 2 3/4
5 6


Work on essay for Test 1- click here for link (after 4)



Online test here!

One submission only.

I would recommend printing out the test and working through the questions AND then answering the questions.


In class essay test



 No School

Columbus Day


Finish Lorenzo's Oil


PSAT's no classes in the am



We have finished the restriction digest of the clones and started the PCR today We also did the Uncut dilution for our gel.

We will run a gel tomorrow of our clones restriction digest of new clones.




Run gel of old clones

Restriction digest of new clones.

Analyse gel for HW- be able to state your insert size for monday.





Restriction Digest of second clone


Run gel of second clone

Analyse picture for Homework.

What is the size of your insert?

Should we sequence it?

gel- please open the image in ppt and do you analysis tonight. Label your clone and characterize the quality of your data. Was there a problem?


Mocked up gel clones 26- 36


Review gel in class

Complete Clone sheet commentary.

Send to Dr. Vershon


Evolution Unit begins

Waksman Meeting

Permission slips here

Students going to Waksman please meet at the athletic entrance at 3:30

I anticipate returning about 6:15. Your parents may pick you up at Waksman or at Pingry.

Evolution begins

Read  pages 256-264

Be prepared to discuss

1) the evidence for evolution

2) examples of natural selection

Browse through links posted above.



Waksman Continues

"Picking Colonies from the Plate"

DId overnites 3/ student

of picked clonies in LB & Chloramphenicol


Ed- you can do over nights tomorrow if you wish.




PCR Dilution of colony DNA

PCR of all three clones

We need to pour a gel today.

 Two more volunteers please to learn from Maddy and Micaela



Gel electrophoresis  of direct Colony PCR

Analyse gel for HW

If your inserts are over 500 they become clones...

We then go back to the original overnight and extract out the plasmid through mini-prep

HW gel analysis and miniprep directions in notebook.

Please review mini prep directions CAREFULLY! you may have a great clone and lose it in the mini prep.



Mini preps

The rerun of the PCR gel- loaded by Liz j. and Marisa W- nicely done BTW


Marked up gel for clones A-C for class- completed by Micheala Ennis- who had an A+ for the interim. :)


The ladder used in this gel was different from what we have used in the past.

We are using NEB 2 log ladder.  Click here for size annotation picture of the ladder.


Ed and Micheala's Direct Colony PCR gel.  The first three lanes are blank. Whose do they belong to? and what happened?


Rufus Gunther Day- no academic classes today.

Grow a Row!





 September 2009

     Monday                    Tuesday                        Wednesday                      Thursday                       Friday                              Sat./Sun

  1 2 3 4 5/6

7   Labor Day 

No Classes


9 Organization Day

Special Schedule

Review from previous semester: correct work from class. Carefully review and edit the submitted answer. You are welcome to rewrite the answer on a new page.


Honors Bi0_ Sept 9_first day semester review

Goto home page and review the schedule of when we meet. Note the drop periods.


Review  Questions from HW

Cellular Division Review & vocab

Reviewed  Questions from HW

Read-  8.4- 8.7


Reviewed the Mitosis, and Beginning Cell Division.

Online test link up

Two submissions



Cellular Division

Diploid to Haploid

8.14- 8.22


Online test continues

What is a translocation?

What type of cancer is associated with a translocation? Be specific in which chromosomes are involved in the crossing over event.



Test done by Sunday night.


Review  and complete all the links on the left.

Review an example of a syndrome in the link.

Should the South African track star (see the last link) be allowed to race as a female or a male?  Review the KSA XXY .org link carefully for your decision. Be prepared to discuss in class.

Translocation, nondisjunction, trisomy, aneuploidy,


Introduction to the Waksman Student Scholars Program

Creation of cDNA library.

waksman ppt 1


Review for quiz tomorrow! See note for tomorrow. Remember I am big on just definitions....I like applying ideas to diagrams.


Quiz today on Meiosis and associated terms. Open notes.

Register with the Waksman program.

Please review the procedure for a restriction digest.




Review the Review test

Review the quiz

Start genetics



Waksman Student Scholars Program

We did restriction digest with AvaI- find  the restriction date.

Answer questions on the Restriction Digests of Clones (2 questions)

Be sure your notebook is a usable tool for the protocols we did today! You will be on your own next time. (Restriction Digests and PCR dilution)

Log into WSSP website and check on practice clones


Practice clones on WSSP

Work on the forward  cropping and editting for each sequence..

Genetics -

Read 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4

Homozygous, recessive, dominant, hetorozygous, genotype, phenotype, Punnett Square, haploid, gametes, loci, allele, gene, trait

Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems pdf


Dihybrid & Monohybrid crosses

In- class graded practice genetics questions. Collected.


Assembly- Organ dedication!


28 No School





Plants should be ready at this point for actual counting.

Count hairs fromt the base of the plant (soil level to base of first TRUE leaf.)

Record data

Keep top 10 plants from the class. Kill the other plants.


30 Form III Peer Retreat

Form IV Class Trip

1 Form III Peer Retreat

Collected Data on trichromes



Review Lorenzo's Oil

Discussion of  variation on Mendelian inheritance.


Genetics Problem Set #2


Read 9.11, 9.13


2 3/4



Last Updated: December 14, 2009