Course Calendar

December 2008

Monday Dec 1

Review Test in Class

Optional Test corrections due Wed - remember this is extra effort and deserves sincere effort. Demonstrate that you understand the concept being discussed in the question in addition to the choosing the correct answer.


Tuesday Dec 2

Wed Dec. 3

Friday Schedule

Combined rehearsal


Thursday Dec 4

Read pages 301-310 carefully. There are lots of example for review of the material that we went over in class.

What is the difference between a pi bond and asigma bond?

Be able to describe the bonding of each carbon in ethylene.

What hybrid orbitals are expected for SF2?

Friday Dec 5

Cloud Structures Practice Sheet in class- what is not done in class will be finished for HW.

Dec 8 Dec 9

Dec 10

Thinking questions:

Be able to apply what you know!

Why is C quadruple bond C impossible?

Explain sp, sp2, sp3

Dec 11 

Introduction to Polarity

Read pages 297-300

What is the unit to measure electronegativity?

Is SO2 polar? why? PH3?

Dec 12

Intermolecular Forces

London Dispersion Forces.

Read 332-339

Work on graph answer for hw.

Due Monday



Dec 15

Graph describing trends is due.

QUIZ on Intermolecular forces. Be able to compare compounds and identify which forces would affect compounds. Be able to rank the intermolecular forces. (16 points)

Midterm handed out- Midterm 60 points.

Partners will be given out Tuesday morning. Mr. De will post and I will reannounce in class.

Please review the instructions page carefully.

Start the test tonight! . Bring NOTES and materials to class.

Computers will NOT be allowed during class time.

Dec 16

Class time for assessment

The test will be worth 60pts.

No computers during class time.

You will NOT work with ANYONE outside of class time.  Be sure to be an effective partner. Be prepared and be able to discuss the material.

Dec 17

Class time for assessment

No computers allowed


You will not work with anyone outside of class time.

Dec 18

Test submissions

from 5 to 11 pm from

Be careful in submission process. You will need to follow instructions carefully

You will get your answers back to

the email you will enter on link for the test.


Semester Assessment Link

Dec 19

Chemistry Charades


Chemistry Syllabus Form III

Unit II

Atomic radius- you tube

Ionization energy- you tube

College Lecture on Ionization Energy & Electron Affinitya bit long- and a bit boring- but good.

Some practice problems with answers to the atomic radius questions

TOUGH practice problems- college level

Atomic Affinity ppt.

Covalent bonding animation

Covalent bonding bond angles animation using balloons

Ionic Bonding animation

teacher tutorial on Ionic bonding (basic)

Practicing Lewis Structures

A tutorial on Lewis Structures

More Lewis Dot Structure Practice Problems with Answers

Everything you need to know

OChem- Click on the Lewis Structure under PreLectures (firefox recommended)

Practice problems and tutorial- good one

VSEPR Worksheet (chalkbored)

VESPR Practice Site

Vespr Animation-name of shapes

VESPR Animation

Hybridization Animation- good!

What is VESPR

Monday Nov3

Ionic Bonding ppt

Finish Ionic Bonding for HW

Read 9.1 and 9.2

4  tuesday


Covalent Bonds


Practice with the following atoms:


Ca +O



1.Draw Lewis Dot Structure for each atom

2. Ionic or covalent

3. Molecular formula

Read 9.4

5  Wednesday

6  Thursday 

No classes

Conference Day with Advisor

7 Friday

Lewis Structures

HW Practice Sheet

Work through at least 10 examples on the

Praticing Lewis Structure link above

8 9


Middle School Swimming Starts- FInd me on the pool deck during CP!

Lewis Structure Practice Again!

You should be very familiar with the sequence of how to solve the structure.

1. Skeleton

2. Valence contribution

3. minus bonding

4. assign electrons

5. octet complete?

6. Rearrange bonds?

7. check formal charge


Make sure that you have reviewed ALL the links the to the comic....for those who have felt my instructions were unclear...ahem...

Lewis Structure & Resonance

Resonance means that there is more than one Lewis structure for a molecule

Try CH3COO- an acetate anion- resonance is a blend of all the possible Lewis structures or an average. The "C-O" bond is stronger than a single bond and less than a double bond

single bonds are known as sigma bonds


Octet Exceptions- for example- XeF4  and Boron triflouride -BF3, PCl5

Complete the Lewis structure and show which atom is an Octet exception.

Periods 3 and above can expand their octet due to d orbitals

Coordinate Covalent Bonds-  Unbonded pairs can be transferred completely to another atom. The examples below are coordinate covalent bonds


NH3 +  (H+) -->

NH3  + BF3 -->

show the above above are examples that do not fit the rules we have learned....

Correctly write the structure for : Hydrogen cyanide- HCN

Follow the rules!



Bond Length- distance between nuclei- this may help determine what type of bond is present- covalent double bond or single bond.

Bond Order- number of electrons in a bond, bond length is determined by bond order As bond order increases so does bond strength

Bond Energies review table on page 277 Double bonds are stronger than single bonds



This is the end of Chapter 9 in your text- the next test will cover Periodic Law, Lewis Structures, and VSPER- date will be determined-looking like late next week orThanksgiving week.

A good review suggestion to check your understanding- page 282- 283 practice problems.




Remember- use your drops- I am on the pool deck for CP!



VSEPR & Molecular Geometry

Read Chapter 10

All about shapes and what determines the shape of a molecule.



Quiz on Lewis Structures!

Lewis Structures only- use all the practice problems

15 16


Went over quiz!

Please pick up from my desk if you do not have yours from being on Spanich trip


Requiz on Lewis structures



Reminder of what determines three dimensional shape of a simple molecule

 Look at central atom

What groups are attached - keeping both lone pairs and other atoms- count 'em and remember you need to place them in space with the least repulsion possible.

Review the ppt- VSPER PPT

REview the links above

And attempt to do the geometry predictions within the ppt.

Study for the test! See all the link above for more practice and help reviewing the material


Vespr Shapes continued

We did Candy version of molecular geometry. You should have turned the page with all the drawings of the structures. The angles should be labeled as well as the geometry of the molecule.

I am not sure that I got all of section 1/2 papers so please turn them in to the sub.

Section 5/6 will be

There will not be a test for ANY classes tomorrow. I was discouraged from giving a test since I would not be here. Sorry.

You may schedule the test for either day next week. Again apologies.

Review the ppt's and links above for test review for Monday or Tuesday. Whenever you decide to take the test.



Please work on review sheet that was given out yest. The sub will have the answers to the multiple choice.

You should work quietly in small groups.


O'Mara at Brain Conference at MIT

22 23


TEST- my class scheduled for Friday can choose what day and period they would like to take it...sorry for the stress!

Tie Dye bring a t-shirt or socks.


Tie Dye

26  Thanksgiving Break 27 Thankdgiving 28  Thanksgiving Break 29 30


1 October  Wed

Beginning Quantum Physics

Wave Properties

Start Reviewing the links at the top of this page.


Test corrections- Click here for further instructions on how to do test corrections.

2 Thursday

Review test

Wave properties

Particle Wave Dualtiy

3  Friday

Beginning Electronic Configuration


Complete questions 1-14

Reading in Text book-Section 7.3, 7.4, 7.5

4 Sat

5 Sun


More electronic configuration

Complete the handout from Friday- see link last week if you lost it

Handout- Reading the Periodic Table Complete for hw

In light of todays the comic above starting to make sense?...we still have more to go.

Test Corrections extended to Wed- please remember that extra credit deserves extra effort! Demonstrate that you have a knowledge of the answer and deserve credit. Each answer warrants several sentences...and follow format guidelines.


HW due

Electronic Configuration of Ions

Hw- Review ppt of electronic conf of ions

Isoelectric to Noble gases


section 1/2

section 3/4

section 5/6

Orbital diagrams of electronic configuration, each class has different elements

Section 1/2 Review and Practice Handout that

you received in class can be saved till Friday. The other classes are not as far ahead as you!  We will assign this sheet for HW over the weekend.

Aufbau rule

Hund's Rule

Orbital diagram


Test Corrections due


No Classes- holiday observance of YK


Nice job on Quantum Numbers today!!! Really great! Please review the ppt that I handed out. I cannot seem to link to the file so don't lose it!!!!

HW for the weekend- complete the packet that I handed out in class. Please make a legitimate attempt for all answers. AND review the quantum numbers links above...they should make sense now!

Hint- paramagnetic is unpaired

See Wed for link on Review and practice handout for HW.

Orbital Diagrams and quantum numbers







Lewis Dot Structure

Mrs. O'Mara's Birthday!!!!


We reviewed the packet from last week and defined terms.

Two more practice pages for HW.

More Elec Conf Practice

More Quantum Numbers Practice

Review 8.5-8.7

9.3, 9.5 in your textbook


Study for quest by reviewing all worksheets.

Review the links above and the linked ppwerppts.




on electronic configuration and Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom

(quantum numbers, elec config for atoms and ions, Aufbau, Hunds, Pauli exclusion principle

wave vs. particle

17  Scheduled






 NJAIS Conference

School is closed


Introduction to Periodic Law

Reviewing the structure of the periodic table

Read 8.5, 8.6, 8.7- due next Monday- reading a little bit everyday.

Review your periodic table notes.




Friday Schedule on a Wed.

Periodic Table

Periodic Trends -Atomic Radius Discussion

Review links above

HW- complete the atomic radius hw handout



O'Mara Field trip to UMDNJ with SMART Team

Sub will hand out ionization energy worksheet and graph of ionization energy.


Wednesday Schedule on a Friday

going to the pond! Dress appropriately for outside!

Test Corrections due.

HW- review the links & complete the take home quiz.

This is an open notes quiz. You are allowed to use resources but not googling the question. NO discussion with other people!

25 26


Q- why is nitrogen's first ionization energy higher than oxygen?

Electron Affinity discussion

Make sure the reading is done that is listed on 10/21

Review Electron Affinity ppt.



Q- Why does the atomic radius decrease as you move from left to right?

Electron affinity quiz warm up

Paper Lab on the Periodic Table


paper Lab continues


Grades close for the interim.

Check with teacher about grades...your teachers should have grades calculated and available to you.

 finish lab- & questions

Check point!


31 Rufus Gunther Day

Community Service Projects

FORM III AND IV are going to the FOOD BANK- Closed toed shoes, no tanks tops or bootie pants. Leave valuables at home.

Dress warmly! Remember it's an open warehouse!!!!