Dear Form III O'Mara Bio Students,
The Biology I curriculum offers an honors designation for this course. To earn the honors designation you will be required to pass 3 projects to completed over the entire semester. Each project will require work above and beyond the typical coursework. The projects are intended to challenge you and are not for everybody. If you are not a strong student in the regular course, do not opt for the projects. You will need to maintain a B+ average in the regular Biology course while completing the projects . Alert memos will be sent when your average dips below a B+ average.
Each project is graded on a pass/fail basis. You are allowed to fail one project, as long as the resubmission is a passing grade. If you fail a second project you are eliminated from the honors option. You need to stay on top of the dates hand work in on time! Mr. De will be running a website at for all the relevant information. I will be going through this information in class but let me know if you have any questions.
Honors Project Dates:
Please see for most up to date dates and information.
Wednesday, February 1- Honors Letter comes out- If you are interested in honors projects, please take the letter home and have it signed by parents. Informational letter here as well. Please visit Mr. De's website for more info.
Monday, February 6th- Honors letter of intent due to me. It will require a parent signature.
Please see Mr. De's website for most up to date dates and deadlines:
Monday, February 13- Project 1 comes out
2/22- Codes for submitting your honors progect are available- see me if you did not get one in class
Thurs,, March 1- Project 1 Due date, Thursday and Friday March 8th OR 9th Review Sessions.
PROJECT I - May be picked up on the bench in room 112.
Wednesday, March 28- Project 2 comes out
OLD: Monday, April 16- Project 2 due (tentative)
April 26, 27 CP- you will be required to attend one project review session during these times.(tentative)
MONDAY MAY 7 New release date! see for download
Monday, May 14, Project 3 due (tentative)
Thursday May 24 Honors Acceptance letter- Assuming your successful completion of the projects you will receive a letter confirming your honors designation. (tentative) |
June 2012
Exams |
Available in 110! Bring questions and review sheets |
Exams |
Biology Exam
Report to MP room next to Gym (Dress for heat!)
2nd languages
Makeup exams |
9/10 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
May 2012
April 30-
Period 1: Mechanics of Translation-
Nucleotides into Amino Acid Language
AUG- or Start
Reading frame
Stop codon
UTR- untranslated region (before AUG and after STOP)
But where does this occur in the cell? What bring the correct amino acid?
HW: Please "translate" the second gene into the primary order of amino acids. Some did not do first gene correctly yet- be sure that both are completed.
Honors Project |
May 1st
Art Fundementals Field Trip to Grounds for Sculpture
Only period 3/4 will have class, sub will be there |
2 |
HONORS PLACEMENT TESTING FOR NEXT YEAR'S COURSES- Period 7 see Mr. Coe if a conflict. If you missed the testing, please see Mr. Coe about rescheduling another opportunity to take the test.
Section 12: worked on finding the ORF of a DNA sequence. please be sure that you have finished the analysis of your DNA and marked introns and exons.
Section 1/2 meeting tomorrow at 8:30 in room 104
Section 34/ 5/8: reviewed hw and reviewed translation.
ppt for translation
Videos to support understanding
For Honors Students: RNAi video and how it affects gene transcription
Translation video
Lame overall video of protein synthesis, RNA polymerase is WAY too small here! yucky music.
FOR HW- Review and attempt the following questions. Please look them up, find videos, etc. Make some attempt for understanding these concept prior to class tomorrow.
What are introns?
What are exons?
WATCH/ DO animation on RNA splicing linked here.
Do prokaryotes have introns?
Alternative Splicing?
What if you wanted a eukaryotic gene such as insulin to be manufactured by bacterial cell? What would you have to do to human version of the DNA sequnce to make it usable in bacteria? |
Special ANNOUNCEMENT: Section 1/2 meeting tomorrow at 8:30 in room 104.
(O'Mara off campus during headmasters break tomorrow!)
TEST: DNA Structure and Mol Bio.
Bring a copy of test to class on MONDAY.
NO outside class discussion or collaboration of any type, including online chats, Facebook groups, google, etc
Test Link |
7 |
8 |
9 English Field Trip - Students leaving at 10:30
O'Mara covering a study hall for Form III |
10 Special Schedule (Friday Schedule) combined rehearsal
Antoine DuBourg Concert |
11 Thursday schedule today |
12/13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 Reunion Weekend, Hall of Fame Induction |
19/20 Reunion Weekend |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26/27 |
28 Memorial Day!
No Classes! |
Final Lab of the semester
Digest plan due today!
Tubes should be labeled with information
TEST link here
Diagrams for question 9/0! - soooo sorry!
You are NOT allowed to work together unless you are in class. You are not to discuss the test outside of class in any way shape or form. By clicking the above link you agree to abide by the honor code. Bring copy of test to class tomorrow for work in small groups.
You will complete your restriction digests and then work on your tests. SUbmissions due preferably Wednesday by midnight but Thursday night is acceptable with permission.
Review Sheet for Final Exam
Special Schedule
Restriction Digests
Work on test in class
Special Schedule
Running gels for restriction digests during class
HW; Review gel pictures linked here.
Section 1/2
PDF of gel annotation- courtesy of Nate and Stephanie
Section 1/2
1914 Matt, Rahul, Evan, Nate, Claire, Ruthie
1915 Images of gels Clay Nat, Russell, Rahul Mat
Section 3/4
PDF gel annotation first gel
1917( LM, GA),
second gel 1918: Gabby, Caitlin)
PDF annotation of third gel-
image 1920 (Lori & Anthony)
Section 5/8
PDF Annotation of Gel Big Box Leah, Ricky, Julian C, Kyle, Charlie, Kirmser
Section 5/8 Big gel
Section 58 Small gel
Reivew DAY
Bring diagrams for review (See Monday for link)
You should have worked on your review sheet at least somewhat this week.
June 2/3
Work on Review Sheet
I will be in on Tuesday for Reading day and ready and willing to answer questions.
d. |
April 2012
Moday April 2
Cellular Respiration
What is the big picture for cell respiration?
Is how is this similar or different to photosynthesis?
The raw ingredients for cellular respiration
the mitochondria: Find a labeled drawing of the mitochodria. Be sure that you the following in your diagram: Matrix, Inner membrane, cristae, intermembrane space, outer mitochondrial membrane.
Cellular Respiration occurs in 3 major pieces
1 Glycolysis- where does that occur in the cell? Read carefully the PDB molecule of the month article on the glycolyis enzymes and their function
2. Krebs Cycle (annoying music)- where does that occur?
3 Electron Transport Chain- where is that found? Try to identify what goes into each piece and what exits each stage. How does each stage connect to each other. Which stage has significant similarities to photosynthesis?
MY ALL TIME FAVORITE Video of cell respiration
watch and learn!!!
Khan Academy- overview of cell respiration kind of boring and long...but decent. Let me know what you think.
Cellular Respiration Continues
HW: Wrkst Handed out in class. Please complete using notes
Section 56 & 34: google doc needed of collecting and averaging data.
Wednesday 4
Cell respiration Continues
Lab 12: yeast metabolism lab Create google doc for data collection and trends.
Thursday 5th
PPT for Cell Respiration here.
This weekend- print out the ppt and review. Add to the diagrams and make them "tell the story" of cell respiration.
Review carefully the packet that I handed out earlier this week. Special deal will be offered to each class. I would suggest you talk and compare answers before Tuesday.
Friday 6th Good Friday- No School |
Sat/ Sun Easter 7th |
Using the your resources, not the internet,
create a poster that details the entire process of cell respiration. We will brainstorm a few minutes in the beginning of class for vocab/ concepts to be included on the poster. If you get done early- find your photosythesis poster and double check it.
Review carefully the packet that I handed out last week. week. Special deal will be offered to each class. I would suggest you talk and compare answers before TOMORROW>
Double check your posters!
Check other people's posters
Packet special deal offer today!
Photosynthesis & Cell Respiration including Fermentation
You will be allowed to use your POSTERS only. |
11 |
13 |
14/15 |
Genetically Modified foods continues.
Please check out the following sites and compare the different definitions of Genetically Modified Foods.
FDA commission report. What is their defination of GMO food?
Another govt agency. What is their definitionof GMO?
Check out wikipedia too.!
This website keeps track of the currently introduced biotech foods. How many different types of corn? What was the earliest food that was biotech'ed?
GMO debate video- organic farming vs biotech. |
Honors projects due (old date)
See for updated date.
DNA structure and function
DNA structure and function ppt
5' to 3'
base pairing
complementary bases
Review the following links:
LONG DNA video- background- some info on Watson and Crick
Lame DNA structure- there is a mistake at 1:10ish, can you find it?
DNA structure video
DNA Structure website-what is a nucleoside?
DNA packing video
How many AT base pairs in this image of DNA?
How does complementary bases play an important role in DNA replication?
LAST ONE: This is a jmol tutorial on DNA structure and function. Please read complete the following document in conjunction with completing the tutorial. Due Wednesday. |
DNA Replication
HW: Review your notes from class then complete the questions below
The following questions should be answered in some form in your notebook:
What is an Okazaki Fragment?
Good video on the process of DNA replication. What is the difference between leading and lagging strand?
More complicated video! Now, can you pick out discontinous and continous synthesis?
PDB: DNA Polymerase
Review the paragraph about accuracy? How accurate is DNA polymerase and what mechanisms are in place to keep the accuracy of the enzyme?
Another Flash animation of DNA replication, shows all the proteins, including the one that lays down the RNA primer.
LEAVING FOR ASBMB at 8th period
Worksheet on DNA replication
And PCR |
20 In Service Day
NO Classes
NO School-Headmaster Day off! |
23 |
Section 1/2:
Thymine Dimers and Children of the Night. What can you suggest as a fix for this problem? Investigate gene therapy!
Section 3/4. 5/6:
Comparison of PCR and DNA Replication. What are the shared pieces? How are they different?
Can you find the PCR song?
5/6: Complete DNA replication diagram
Section /12
Review of Primers and understanding Primer construction with DNA structure
Finding information in DNA sequence
Section 3/4 & 5/6
Primer construction with DNA structure
Molecular Biology Introduction!
What is the definition of molecular biology?
Transcription and Translation, what is transcription and translation?
Transcription Basic
Transcription video DRY
Transcription videoMedium more extraneous details
Translation |
Gene hunting Prokaryotes
We worked on a piece of DNA today that is from a prokaryotic genome. (Honors students: should be able to compare a prokaryotic genome to eukarytotic genome!)
We discussed the elements of a gene
1. Promotor Sequence
2. Coding region
3 Terminator region
You should be able to discuss the function of each and all of the above should be isoloated on DNA given out in class.
This link will have promotor sequence and terminator sequence
For Monday: Please isolate the (with pencil) all of the above and try to complete the mRNA transcript for the coding region. |
28/29 |
Honors Project III Comes out.
Art Fundementals Field Trip!
Mrs O'Mara on trip! |
May 2012
April 30-
Period 1: Mechanics of Translation-
Nucleotides into Amino Acid Language
AUG- or Start
Reading frame
Stop codon
UTR- untranslated region (before AUG and after STOP)
But where does this occur in the cell? What bring the correct amino acid?
HW: Please "translate" the second gene into the primary order of amino acids. Some did not do first gene correctly yet- be sure that both are completed.
Honors Project
May 1st
Art Fundementals Field Trip to Grounds for Sculpture
Only period 3/4 will have class, sub will be there |
2 |
4 |
5/6 |
7 |
8 |
9 English Field Trip - Students leaving at 10:30
10 Special Schedule (Friday Schedule) combined rehearsal
Antoine DuBourg Concert
11 Thursday schedule today |
12/13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 Reunion Weekend |
19/20 Reunion Weekend |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26/27 |
28 Memorial Day!
No Classes!
29 |
30 |
31 |
March 2012
Monday 5th
Membrane Dynamic begins!
1.Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane- what is fluid about a lipid bilayer? What is meant by mosaic part? What are the pieces that make up the mosaic?
Proteins have an important part in cell the functional role of cell membrane. What are the different roles that proteins play?
Supple membrane
2. How do particles move across a membrane? How do different particles move across the membrane?
Facilitated diffusion slow mo
Large particle/bulk transport
What are three types by observing the video.
Read in your Book:
Page 363-369 Up to the Fluidity of the lipid bilayer
Read the Membrane Protein section on page 372-373- especially the drawings.
Carefully at the drawings on 380-381
Carefully observe the drawing on page 384
Fluid Mosaic Model, Extracellular Fluid, Intracellular Fluid, Gradient, Law of diffusion,
Tuesday 6th |
Wed 7th
Potato Cores are in solution will be massed first tomorrow.
You will then need to graph % change
% Change= (Final mass- Initial Mass)/
Initial Mass * 100
You will need to create spread sheet that
(HINT: start on this tonight)
1) Records the Masses of initial and final
2) Show % change as a function that works in your spread sheet
3) Graph the % change of your potato cores. The graph should have a title, labeled correctly, and have appropriate axis labeled.
4) Write a conclusion with a statement of the trend with a biologically plausible explanation of the trend. You should include the terms hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic in your discussion. What is the approximate solute concentration in potatoes?
Complete the WS on osmosis & water balance. Be sure that you have pictures
Thurs 8th
Worksheet due in class today.
Take a crack at the quiz to be given in class tomorrow. |
Fri 9th
Quiz on Cell Parts and Membrane Dynamics
10/11 |
12 Spring Break |
13 Spring Break |
14 Spring Break |
15 Spring Break |
16 Spring Break |
17/18 |
19 Spring Break |
20 Spring Break |
21 Spring Break |
22 Spring Break |
23 Spring Break |
24/25 |
Cell Energy Processes
Photosynthesis & Cell Respiration
Photosynthesis 1st! Why? Which came first photosynthesis or cellular respiration?
Photosynthesis Review Flalsh Animation- Complete the puzzles at the end of the animation
Photosynthesis-youtube video
Photosynthesis Review site
Review Lab 3 and Lab 4- Click through both labs to get a sense of the process of photosynthesis.
Lab Bench
Related Vocab that should be in your notes.
- Autotrophs/producers- Are you a producer? Explain?
- Leaf Structure (vocab)- Where is the primary area for photosynthesis? What is the structure for allowing gasses in and out of the leaf?
- Summary Reaction...know it.
- Visible Light spectrum
- Light and Dark Reaction- what goes into to each? Why the name? Can you find another name for each.
light and dark reaction
ppt on ingredients for photosynthesis
Cell Energy Processes
Capturing the light....
The light reaction and the dark reaction
What are the products of the light reaction? Where is it located?
Where is the dark reaction reaction? What are the products of the dark reaction?
Relook at the summary reaction and see how the light and dark reaction fit into this equation.
Review the chlorophyll demo we did today and see if you can place it in the ppt. Where would it occur?
Section 58 work on graphing assignment
Setion 34 graphing assignment assigned today DUE monday
Cell Energy Processes
Section 12 Graphing assignment assigned today due monday.
Can an animal photosynthesize?
Read this link about the green sea slug!
A photosynthetic animal!!!!
Today you received a packet with diagrams.
Please attempt to label the diagrams carefully for class tomorrow.
Work on the graphing assignment. Please see me ahead of deadline if you would like help.
Cell Energy Processes |
Cell Energy Processes
Section 56- Graphing assigment due |
31/ April1 |
February 2012
February 6th
Giants WIN!!!!
Go over test!
Enzyme sheet for HW linked here.
Enzyme Project Assigned- Please choose ONE enzyme (that is not listed on the hw) and construct a paragraph about its role. You should discuss itsmetabolic role and include a discussion of substrate binding. Please include a discussion of the products that are formed too.
You also need to include two images of your protein, rendered from the viewer on from one of the PDB's ID cited in the MOM article. One view must show secondary structure. Each image must include a caption that state the PDB id and the what the file is.. The assignment should not more than one page long and should be 50% image. Try to use a WHITE background instead of black. You will be graded on your text explanation of your protein, your images, and your ability to follow directions.
Please include the NAME of your enzyme on the top of the page in bold.
Enzymes: Wikipedia artlicle
PPT for Enzymes
Enzymes Animation
Enzyme You Tube Animation- enzyme/substrate complex.
What is the enzyme-substrate complex? How does that relate to specificity and lock and key? |
Enzyme Lab
Catalase |
Catalase graph |
10th Protein Project DUE
Second catalase experiment |
11/12 |
GRAPHING with excel- you will be expected to produce two graphs from excel, you will be required to turn email your excel file with your data table and graphs in the file AND turn in two graphs- 1- enzyme concentration, 2- your investigated variable experiment. You will need to turn an excel file via email and a hardcopy of both graphs. Both should have labeled axi, titles, correct units and a sentence or two that states the trend or the conclusion to be drawn from the graphical interpretation of the data. Each person turns in their OWN work though you may help each other construct excel file, every student must make their own excel file and send it to me.
Swim meet away , not around for CP
Finish enzyme discussion
and statement of trends
You will need to email me the excel file containing both sets of data analysis for both experiment.
You will need to create a work document with two graphs each graph should have a statement that desribes the trend and include a biologically plausible explanation of the trend. Besure that your graph is done correctly. . |
Graphs due
Animotos continues
ANIMOTO of enzyme concepts - register for the free version...use your Pingry email.
You will be responsible for creating a 30sec film on ONE aspect of enzyme function.
You and one partner will be responsible for a 30 second video using the above software link. Your film must illustrate or explain in clay animation (using a cell phone that takes pictures) one specific enzymatic concept but you will need to include text that has the appropriate vocabulary for this unit. I will supply the play dough! Good luck and have fun!
Film choices:
1) competitive and non competivie inhibition of enzyme function, include example
2) Induced fit, include a discussion of active site and substrate, and example
3) How ph OR salt OR heat affect enzyme and enzyme's activity
4) a specific enzmatic reaction
5) How enzyme concentration can affect the rate of reaction.
Ranney Swim Meet- Mrs. O'Mara NOT around CP |
Animotos |
Animotos due
Open notes quiz of enzymes (25 points) |
18/19 |
20 No school Presidents Holiday |
21 The YANKED back day off..classes to be held
Living and non living
What is a living thing?
What is the dividing line between living and non living?
Review Animations from class
and ppt (links inside ppt)
HW: redo graph option, be sure that you submit and staple your OLD graph on top and your new and improved version underneath.
Have power printed so that you can take notes on the slides.
Fish tank and making slides |
Cheek Cells and Onion |
Cheek and Onion
Biozone Packet Complete through the PLANT CELL PAGE |
25/26 |
Out sick!
Worked on sub packet. |
Slides continues |
Slides |
Thursday March 1st
Part of a cell
ppt |
Friday march 2
Quiz: CELLS! ppt, open notes, open "tray" |
January 2012
Monday 2
No Classes |
Tuesday 3
NO LAB this week
Biology I
Welcome to Biology
Introduction to Course
Schedule for Course
Structure of Water
Hydrogen Bonding
Polar Covalent Bonds
polar & Non polar interactions
HW: (started in class)
Water and it's interactions with organic molecules
Review video:
What is a dipole-dipole interaction? Be prepared to bring an explanation to class.
Watch video- ice melting
Water ppt- polar and non polar |
Wednesday 4
HW due Water and its interactions
Dipole Dipole
"Which are polar" Worksheet
Bottle Problem in class
Thursday 5
Bottle Problem Quiz in Class
HW: Log into and check quiz grade.
Please use your log in sheets that were handed out in class.
Tomorrow- Protein. You need about 60g of protein a day. Did you eat enough proteins? What foods in your diet today was protein?
Which foods were highest in protein? Which were lowest?
Friday 6
Macromolecules: Proteins
PROTEIN PROJECT 1: 15 points due TUESDAY- but start this weekend
Find the Protein Data Bank on the internet and click on Molecule of the Month: View Archive by List. This should give you the alphabetical listing of all the molecule of the month structures.Read about the following proteins:
alpha amylase (2taa)
Pepsin (2pep)
Collagen (1bkv)
Using a computer answr the following:
What is the role of each in metabolism or what is the role in a functioning organism? What is the shape of each protein? How is the shape determined?
Use firstglance to view your protein. In the search box put in the 4 letter PDB code and check out your protein. Find a view of your protein using the toggle switches to the left of the screen and play with the rendering capabilities of the structures. Choose a view you feel "tells" the most about the infomation you read about in the MOM feature above. Screen capture the image and insert the image into the document for each protein above. What is the shape like compared to function? Do the other proteins have different shapes? Why?
Sat/ Sun 7/8
Protein Project 1
9 Cabbage Lab
Protein Project 1 Due tomorrow.
Protein Project 1 due
5 points for each
You will need screen capture of an image rendered in first glance. Additionally you should have a well developed paragraph for each protein listed.
LAB Section 34 |
Lab Section 1/2
Building a protein using the vocabulary from notes on proteins
Primary, secondary tertiary quarternary structure |
Section 12: building a protein
Section 34
Section 56
Protein Project II
Working on this in class
Computer cart available
MLK project with assembly schedule
Macromolecules Con't
Nucleic Acids: DNA & RNA
DNA Structure online tutorial
Click the buttons to the right of the viewer to see the different rendering of DNA.
What makes up the backbone of DNA?
Online RNA tutorial
Click the buttons to the right of the viewer to manipulate the molecule.
What is the difference between the views?
What is the difference between show the whole structure and show the simplified rendering?
14/15 |
16 No Classes MLK Day |
17 Macromolecules Continues this week
LAB: DNA Isolation Lab from Strawberries/ Bannanas
HW: Which nucleotide (and find a structure) is the energy currency of the cell? |
Carbohydrates |
Carbohydrates and artificial sweetners
Carbohydrate ppt.
Review for quiz tomorrow: Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Carbohydrates |
Quick Quiz
Lipids |
21/22 |
Second Semester Officially Begins
Housekeeping Day
Grades and returnging papers
Read ppt tonight on lipids
lipids 1 |
Why are lipids NOT true polymers?
What about dietary fat? What is good fat? bad fat?
HW- find some foods that has TRANS fat in it. How can you tell what has transfat, when you look at the ingredient list?
2) Check with Mom and Dad about their cholesterol? Do they have high cholesterol? Are they on medication? High triglycerides? LDL vs HDL?
Section 1/2- Worked on Lab
HW: review data and be sure that you are confident in your answers.
Review how your data table is organized.
Section 34- Finish discussion of cholesterol and talked about lab for tomorrow.
Review honors info above. |
Section 1/2 Review results with classmates prepare to hand in answer to 5 unknowns, repeat test if needed.
Section 34 Knowns and the Indicator Tests
Section 58: Finish knowns |
Section 12: Will be working on the building quiz.
In partners you will be working on building a series of molecules or analyzing a series of molecules
Section 34: Finish unknown
Section 58: Finish unknown |
28/29 |
Review the honors project guidelines
Work on Building project quiz
Swim Meet- No Lab for 58 |
Building Quiz Continues (possibly)
MacroMolecules Test Online to be posted at 3:30- 4
Test guidelines:
You are not to work with anyone outside of class.
You are welcome to use the internet to seek answers but you are NOT to share your answers with ANYONE under ANY circumstances.
Your are encourage to use your notes and handouts to work on the test.
Print out test and bring to class on Wednesday.
February 1st
Section 12:
Work on the test during the first period (break) then
Guest teacher period 2
Section 34, 58, Working on test during class- bring your test to class. Computers suggested.
Test online continues-
You must have your first submission completed by midnight tonight. You will get your score back Thursday morning. You may or may not elect to do a second submission.
HONORS LETTER OUT- please see the above link. Parent signature required. |
First submission scores returned in the AM.
2nd submission due at midnight. You do NOT have to do the second submission if you are satisfied with your grade.
Honors Letter out...see above link.
Parent signature required. |
Test returned
Honors Letter out...see above link. DUE Monday
Parent signature required. |