Biology I- Form III

O'Mara Biology Course Website

Final Exam Notes and Announcements

Topic Outline- the doc shows the list of topics that will be covered on the final exam. Please feel free to start your review using this sheet and your notes

Final Exam Protocol

This an explanation of the format of the exam

FINAL EXAM Review Packet


DNA Replication and Mitosis

ppt- see calendar

DNA  packing video

Animation of DNA synthesis Overview

BASIC Animation of DNA synthesis

DNA synthesis16-10-DNAReplicatNarrAnim_S


Molecular Cell


GMO gels in ppt for annotation

GMO Gels: be prepared to discuss your gel

34 GEL

56 GEL

Silly Lab Tech!!

gel electrophoresis (utah)

gel electrophoresis (DNA LC)

Restriction Enzymes

Access Excellence Restriction Enzymes

Restriction Enzymes Animation (DNALC

Restriction Enzymes PDB- Molecule of the Month

PCR youtube animation

PCR Song frmm BioRad

another ridiculous song  PCR  from Biorad

DNA packing ppt

Transcription Animation

Transciption Animation

Translation Animation

Eukaryotic mRNA splincing utube

Eukaryotic Expression

Eukarytotic transcription youtube

Alternative Splicing ppt.


Genetic Code Table

DNA Structure and Function

DNA Structure ppt

DNA structure hw doc

DNA replicatn vid

DNA Interactive

Review the "timeline." Can you find Hershey and Chase?

DNA John Kyrk Tutorial

DNA Nobel Prize


Simplified DNA Youtube video

DNA Structure with Nucleosomes: DNA Packing

DNA Structure Review

A tutorial with questions.

Transcription Animation

Transciption Animation

Translation Animation

Eukaryotic mRNA splincing utube

Eukaryotic Expression

Eukarytotic transcription youtube

Alternative Splicing ppt.


Genetic Code Table



PDB Glycolysis Enzymes

Glycolysis Overview Interactive

Biology Project: Cellular Respiration Problem Set

Cell Respiration

Cell Respiration Rap! Stanford students.

Electron Transport Chain (boring video)

Cell respiration Overview  youttube boring

Glycolysis overview

Glycolysis enzymes

Cell Respiration Overview and Details

Connector between Kreb and ETC

Photosynthesis Tutorial Project

PhotosynthesisTutorial Project II

JK's Photosynthesis Animation

Photosynthesis: the movie

Rubisco (MOM)

Photosynthesis Text and Diagrams (PH)

Light reaction(youtube)

Dark Reaction (youtube)

Membrane Dynamics

Home made

membrane dynamic video- good preview!

Cell membrane on you tube- Over the top!

RBC in isotonic environment

Cells in hypertonic solution

RBC in hypotonic solution

Onion Cell plasmolysis

Cell Division youtube

Cell Structure & Function

Cell Anatomy

John Kyrk

Powers of ten Animation

How Big!

Harvard Cell Animation

Nobel Animation for Cell Cycle

Antibiotics and How it effects cell parts


Bovine Pacreatic Inhibitor Structure

Visualize this molecule with 1,000s of water molecules around it!

Water is hydrophobic?

How is this possible?

What are the unique circumstances of this experiment? What is involved with the geometry of water?

Water bouncing!


John Kyrk Water

A little hint about Mercury. (i had lots of great questions today about the hw! Remember you are comparing atoms to a molecule with known properties)

DehydrationSynthesis & Hydrolysis Reactions

Lame but you get the idea. If you find a better one let me know.

Carbohyrate ppt

I would recommend you print it out and add to the notes that you took in class. This may not be necessary for some of you but some of you might find it helpful.

Lipid Bilayer with Cholesterol on youtube

Lipid Rafts on youtube (high level of difficulty)

Biochemistry Access Excellence

(scroll down to Biochem)

Protein Structure Tutorial

The Biology Project:



Protein Structure

(Biology Project)

Wikipedia: Proteins

Amino Acid List



Project (under construction)

Forming a peptide bond animation

Bad protein structure animation

More protein amimation with examples

Animation on Protein Structure


Cell Structure & Function

Cell Energetics

Molecular Biology

Cell Division

June 2010

Monday  May 31

Memorial Day

Tuesday June 1

Year book dedication

Review Mitosis

Diagram Packet handed out in class today

Start working on annotation of the diagram bank.



June 2

Athletic Assembly

Mitosis Lab

Diagram Bank


June 3

Senior Awards

DNA Replication and Mitosis test using Exam format


June 4

End of Semester

Work on Packet Diagrams


Jun 5/6



Review Day for all classes- Special Schedule

Periods 1/2 Meet 1

rm 110

Period 3/4 Meet Per.3 rm 110

Period 5/6 Meet Per. 5 rm 110


Exam rooms posted at CP outside room 110.



History AM

Biology PM

Please check your room number for exam room assignment. See Mr. De.




English AM

World Languages PM




Math AM

Make up exams or Conflicts


Exams Make up/ Conflicts


Graduation on Sunday at 4 pm


End of Year Meetings


8:30- 10:30 Office hours for teachers to see exams- see note below



6/1/2010 Students- This apparently has been cancelled by the administration.  But if you would like to see your exams during this time please email me asap. Sorry for the inconvience.


 End of Year meetings


End of year meeting


End of year meetings



May 2010


Translation Continues

Be sure you can use the table.

Period 1- gene hunting sheet is due

Eukaryotic gene splicing


Period 3/4- Gene hunting

Finish genes for HW and review ppt on Alternative splicing (on left)


Period 5/6- Gene hunting

Finish both genes for hw-

both transcribed and translated

Review alternative splicing ppt on right



Applying your knowledge

Section 1/2:

Eurkayotic Gene Hunting in class

HW- Mammoth Question see below  and finish the questions on the eukaryotic gene hunting page.

Section 3/4

Gene hunting from prokaryotes due today!  Both genes need to be transcribed and translated.

Eurkaroytic Gene Splicing



Splicosomes (see link to left)

Alternative splicing


Section 5/6

Prokaryotic Gene Hunting genes due

Both genes need to be transcribed and translated

Eurkaryotic Gene splicing


DNA Extraction Lab


HW: Mammoth DNA Question sheet



Lab for section 1/2 held today!

Room 110

DNA Extraction Lab with Strawberries

Review DNA packing Ppt to left

Section 3/4 Eukaryotic Gene Hunting Ex in class


Section 5/6

Review DNA isolation lab

and Eukaryotic Gene Hunting Ex in class.





LAB UV damage and thymine dimers



Section 3/4

HW  due

Lab see above


Section 5/6

HW due

Lab see above


HW for all sections:

Read Molecule of the Month on Thymine Dimers

Video on Thymine dimer repair



Combined Rehearsal

Lab for 1/2- on Wednesday

Review UV damage results from plates

Lac Operon covered Transformation

Plasmid mechanics

Quiz on Monday


Section 3/4 Make UV damage plates

Quiz on Monday.

quiz on Monday

Review concepts of transformation, lac-operon for Monday

Section  5/6-

Review Bacterial plates.

Review concepts of transformation, lac-operon for Monday

quiz on Monday



Spring Concert




Section 1/2

Review Quiz Transformation Lab Review

Starter Plate

Read Section 10.23

Review Reading of  11.1- 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11. 9


Transformation Lab

Review  PCR Links

Finish the Transformation Questions from class.

Due tomorrow


Transformation Lab

Review Plates

and  Review handout


Double check your transformation hw paper and be ready to turn tomorrow!

TODAY: Started discussion of Restriction Enzymes

Read 12.2

Review three links on left regarding restriction enzymes

Vocabulary: Review from notes and reading and links


Restriction Enzyme

Restriction fragments

Enzyme recognition site

sticky ends



Restriction Digestion

picking up 6th period drop today!


Restriction enzymes ppt

PCR ppt



 Special Schedule

Continuing discussion of Plasmid and Restriction digest


Gel Electrophoresis discussed in class

Review the two links above left and complete HW.

How does electrophoresis work?

How are fragments of DNA separated using gel electrophoresis?



Gel- agarose



Ethidium Bromide

Charge of DNA

Gel ppt


HW link

Romeo and Juliet Performance 1 p.m.

Reunion weekend


Reunion weekend


"Silly Lab Tech"

in Class today with Mr. Alfano (Mrs. O'Mara out)

Please feel free to check out the link above.

HW due from Friday

Review: Recombinant DNA, Plasmid Map, Restriction Digest



GMO Dectection lab Run Gel

PCR dicussion and lecture

3. Review of PCR  concepts Read 12.12 & 12.13


PCR ppt


Bring in Corn based food product for GMO detection lab

Read  12.8 & 12.9

2. DNA isolation of Food

Hw Review Gel over the weekend and analyse results


Harvest of Fear Video

We will only be watching a portion of the this vidoe to introduce the concept of Genetically Modified Food.

There will be hw regarding the content of the movie and using the techniques that we have learned in the last few days.

Protocol for GMO Dectection Lab

Read thoroughly before class.





Test posted on Applicaiton of DNA technology




Molecular Biology test link

24 Review Gels of

Hw review your gels-Which was your food? did you a successful extraction? A succesful PSII pcr? GMO?

Label the gel in ppt and be prepared to turn it in on Wednesday with the finished questions in the lab.

You should be working on your test - two submissions allowed average of two submissions will be taken




Section 1/2 review gels

Section 3/4 Section 56- DNA replication

Read- 10.4 and 10.5

Review Vocabulary:

ppt for DNA replication

Semi conservative

Parent strand

daughter strand


DNA Polymerase

DNA ligase

Continous synthesis

Discontinous synthesis

Okazaki Fragments

Origin of Replication


GMO complete lab is due (except section 12) with your annotated gel. Will be graded.

Section 1/2 meets double period today. Go over gel!!! Please remind me and make sure that we do it.

Section 1/2 DNA replication

Section 3/4 DNA Replication  continues

Section 5/6 DNA Replicatio continues

DNA packing link




Lab Packet for 1&2 due today! NOT wednesday!

Cell Cycle, Cell Replication, Mitosis, and Cancer

Read 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10, 8.11


Test  due

Short answer question due. Please be sure that your name is on the pieces of paper


31 Memorial Day

School is Closed

June 1

Yearbook Dedication

June 2

Special Schedule -Athletic assembly


June 3

Special Schedule - Senior Awards

June 4

End of Semester

June 5/6


April 2010


Energetics-  Movement of Energy


Overview of photosynthesis

Summary Reaction

Ingredients for Photosynthesis

  Leaf structure

  Electromagnetic Spectrum

No homework due to Passover.

Enjoy your evening 

Honors projects handed out.

Please check email

No HW due to Passover


Continuing Photosynthesis

Structure of chlorphyll


Structure of the Chloroplast

The introduction to the light reaction and the dark reaction.

The light reaction

PPT for photosynthesis

No HW due to Passover

Section 5/6- will be make functional data from photosynthesis lab


Photosynthesis continues


Light reaction





Section 1/2- Photosynthesis Lab

Section 3/4- Photosynthesis


Section 5/6 - Data from Photosynthesis Lab



Read: 107- 114

Review links on the side.

Review ppt

What are the products of the light reaction?

Where is light absorbtion occurring?

Thursday April 1

Photosynthesis Continues


Friday April 2

Good Friday

No classes

Saturday/ Sunday

Easter Weekend


5 Mr. Alfano

Focus on the relationship from the light reaction to the dark reaction


Class diagram review of photosynthesis

Worksheet  on Photosynthesis

Quiz on photosyn using the worksheet

Chapter 6 Read 6.1- 6.6 on cell respiration


Cell Respiration



Review links at left..


Check point!

You will be filling out a sheet for me in class about your progress. You NEED to fill it in. If you are absent you need complete on Friday.

Glycolysis in depth due tomorrow


Biozone pages due Monday

Cell Respiration ppt

9 Mid semester grades due

Krebs Cycle



Biozone Pages due




Returning grade sheets and all papers today!

Anaerobic Fermentation explained

Read -

Hands on Portion of Upcoming test explained today

Essay Bank


15 Honors Projects DUE! No exceptions. Follow instructions.


Energetics Test

16  Inservice Day

No Classes



Energetics Windows!



Working in class on Test




Starting DNA Structure and Function

Read 10.1-10.4

DNA Structure

Hershey Chase experiment



Double Helix

Anti Parrellel



Woods Hole Meeting, Wolbachia Institute, Woods Hole, Marine Biology Institute

SUB Instuctions:

You will be working on a packet of questions related to DNA structure and function. You may work together to complete the packet but only in groups of two to three students.

Packets will be collected at the end of the period.

If I have Andrew-

Review the basic structure of DNA and give out Biozone packet for HW.


Assign HW: See links for HW.

Complete DNA structure tutorial for HW


Woods Hole Marine Biology Institute

26 SMART Team Trip to California!


for SATII-

Does NOT count in your academic grade!

Mr. Maxwell is piloting a field test program for piloting new questions for the SATII. There is no grade for this experience.

Substitute should follow instructions in the box for the test..

Due the rules of college board, we are required keep test under strict supervision and the tests are required to be locked up before and after the test.. Karen Peake, the sub coordinator, may elect to leave the box with David Maxwell.




27 SMART Team Trip to California!

Sub Instructions:

Show a video

Video: Photo 51

This is quick video on the story behind the race to understand the structure of DNA and the characters behind the science. One period only.


Tomorrow you are focusing on how genes are expressed. Read 10.7, 10. 8, 10.9, 10.10. 10.11.




28 SMART Team Trip to California

Sub Instructions:

Kids should have read the material from the previous night an consult the links on the left.

Complete worksheets together on the material covered from reading. To be collected at the end of the period.

Please return classwork to my desk.


Tomorrow you are focusing on how genes are expressed. Read 10.7, 10. 8, 10.9, 10.10. 10.11.



Cloisters Trip for Ninth grade! No classes!




DNA --> RNA--> Protein

Transcription andTranslation

Read 10.6- 10.15

Triplet Code




Start Codon

Stop Codon

ribosomal RNA


intron splicing


RNA polymerase



Rockefeller University

March 2010

Monday  1

Welcome back!

We reviewed the potato core lab and reviewed our data. 

Some classes had made up data!

Section 5/6:

Which solutions are hypertonic? Hypotonic? Which is sweeter- explain using data from the graph.

Hypertonic, Hypotonic, isotonic, selectively permeable

Be able to use the graph and picture to interpret the concepts.

Honors Projects Due

Please review the following ppt.

We are not going over it in detail since we lost two days.

Membrane dynamics ppt


Cells transforming Energy

Read 5.10-5.13

Kinetic/ Potential Energy

 Chemical Energy

Endergonic, Exergonic reactions, ATP,  Enzymes, Energy of activation


ppt Working cell


Enzymes essay


Worked on essays


Review the ppt that we started in class.

Read 5.14, 5.15


energy of activation

Biological calalyst


active site

induced fit

Optimal range of activity


Work on essays

Biozone pages



Regulation of  enzymes








Work on essays

Biozone pages



We discussed regulation of enzymes; normal binding, competitve inhibition, non competitive inhibitoin

Finish the enzyme packet for monday.


In Class- beaker with Iki and dialysis tubing with starch solution inside the dialysis tubing baggie.

Please state  besure you have labeled drawings of the activiity . Which solution was hypetonic

Work on essays

Biozone pages collected


Test postponed to tuesday.


Essay test moved till Friday.

Work on Essays for  few minutes in class.

Spit Plate!

What is amylase?


and FirstGlance with 1ppi

Digesting Lactose for Yeast with enzyme.

Remember we are picking up 7th period during CP. It is required that you attend your 7th period class.


TEST ONLINE at  3:21!



Work on Essay for few minutes early in class.

5/6 Lab: Yeast with Lactose & digested lactose.


Test for Cells Parts, Membrane Dynamics, Enzymes

Test will be posted tuesday night.

Test will be the AVERAGE of two submissions. You do NOT have to complete two submissions but you can have two submissions if you would like.  But I will average the submissions.


Essay Adjustment-

You will be responsible for an additional question on the essay related to one of the essays. This question will be on the enzyme reaction of your choice.  You will be allowed to use your notes for this portion of the essay test.


Last Day to work on Essays in class.

Section 1/2 will be picking up drop to complete lab today. We will briefly meet during CP for clean-up and discussion. We are supposed to meet during CP.






Essay test in class

see link from last week.

15 Spring Break  16 17 18 19 20/21
22 23 24 25 26 27/28
29 30 31      

February 2010

Monday Feb1

Super Size Me!

Test Continues- Please see me if you have questions.

Please finish test by 10 pm this evening


Sugar Concentration of Sweet Potato and Regular Potatoes

Feb 3

Structure and Function of Cells

and Cell Anatomy


Cell ppt


Feb 4

Swim Meet!

Went over test!  Please check for your grade

Review ppt posted last night.


 Period 3/4 Microscope work- Threads and Cheek Cell

Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic Cell Structure

Be able to clarify the structural differences.


Feb 5


Honors Letter due

Cell Structure Con't

Surface Area to Volume

Introduction to Microscopes and using the compound light microscope

HW Packet on Cell Structure Due on Tuesday

8 9


Snow Day!


Snow Day!

12  In service day for teachers

NO Classes


15 Mid Winter Break

No classes

16 Mid Winter Break

No classes


Getting back on track! Review the ppt from last week.

Cell Organelles

Read 4.6 - 4.20 Be familiar with the functions of the parts of the cell

Worksheet  Due Friday!




Cell Parts  continues


Practice images


Ppt on cell organelles


PPt Cell Structure Quiz! You can bring your notes.

HW from Wed due.


Review for Monday! See links and reading for Monday.

Lots going on Monday...get ready!


Start of Working Cell and Membrane Dynamics

5.1,, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5

Membrane Construction

Concentration Gradient

Passive Transport







facilitated diffusion

Active transport




Please be sure that you have read!

Review the ppt tonight and add your notes on to the ppt.





Potato vs Sweet Potato

Which is sweeter?

What is the concentration of sugars in each?

Making potato cores

Massing the potatoe cores

and putting them in sugar solutions.



Massing Potato Cores

Graphing on Exel

What is the relative concentration of the potato cores?


Snow Day!


Snow Day!



January  2010

Monday 4

Read 2.9, 2.10 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15



Review Links to the left.

C omplete reading and review notes.

Complete hw linked here

Lab Mystery Bottle!


HW due. - diagram of organics in water collected today.

Hw of Water compared to Hg

Section 1/2- complete water properties as compared to mercury

Section 3/4- complete hw sheet

Section 5/6- complete hw and bottle problem question. Remember to use precise and concise language and avoid pronouns.


Section 1/2-  Review HW

Starting Carbohydrates today!

polymer, monomer, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, enzyme, monosachharides, disacharride, polysaccharides.

Review reactions link  on the left  showing dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.

Review ppt today.

Section 3/4- bottle problem in class today

Question due for HW tomorrow. Please use precise and concise language in your answer.

Section 5/6- Review HW

Starting Carbs today!

polymer, monomer, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, enzyme, monosachharides, disacharride, polysaccharides.

Review Reaction link


Section 1/2- Bottle Problem Lab-

Answer due on Monday.

Please bring a regular, non mechanical pencil to class.


Section 3/4- Bottle problem answer due today!

Carbohydrates today!

polymer, monomer, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, enzyme, monosachharides, disacharride, polysaccharides

Review reaction link


Over the weekend:

Reading about carbohydrates!

To be posted


Review of Carboydrates today! With Practice questions!

Started on Lipids today!

Lipid, oils, fats, waxes, Saturated, Unsaturated, Glycerol, fatty acids, trans fats, partially hydrogenated fats, Dehydration synthesis


Lipid ppt


Lipids continuing today!

What is the claim about Omega 3 fatty acids?  Why are they important?


Lipid Reading Read 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

Carbohydrate readings:3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

5/6 Lab on using Indicators for Macromolecules.

Lipid ppt II


Proteins Begin today!

Packet handed out in class today!

Please work on it. To be collected on Monday.

See if you can get to 100g  of protein in a day! hard to do!

Protein Project Assigned Click here for link DUE  FRIDAY!


Protein Reading


Check out the lipid links to the left. One is reallllllly tough!!!!

Did you ask about Omega 3's in your house? Could you explain what the omega 3 actually means in terms of structure to your parents?


1/2  Protein continues


3/4 lab on indicators

Review links about proteins on the left!



Protein ppt.


1/2 Lab on indicators.




In class quiz on Carbs, Lipids, begining of Proteins


Protein Packet due on Monday


Proteins and enzymes continue next week!



No School

19 Lab Building a Protein!

Look at Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin inhibitor.

Can you find it in the Protein Data Bank?

Can you view it in Firstglance?

Macromolecules Modeling Project


20 21



You and your partner will be allowed the class period to build and write your paragraph. Please plan accordingly and use the class time well. I will of course be there to work with each group individually as needed.

Please carefully follow the directions and be sure that you have included all the requirements for BOTH the model AND the paragraph.

Good luck. I am looking forward to seeing your models.


25 '


Finishing Macromolecules





Nucleotide hands on quiz 3 points!

Protein Model & Paragraph Due

Please be sure that both names are on the paragraph and model.

Nucleotides Con't





Section 1/2 allowed to practice for Friday.

Section 3/4 allowed to practice for Friday

Section 5/6 needs to finish ATP and NADH and then can practice.

Macromolecule Test online click here. Read directions CAREFULLY on the next day.



Please put you PINGRY email in the field for email. Other email accounts will be ignored. Please fill in your name. Complete the test by choosing the correct answers from each pull down menu. HIt submit and WAIT till you get the "successfully submitted" window.  I will bounce the email back when I receive it so that you will know your score within an hour.

You will have the option for two submissions. You MUST have both submissions completed by MONDAY 10:00 PM

No submissions will be accepted after 10 pm.


Hands on/Essay Portion for Macromolecule Test

10 point for correct model

10 points for correct answers on handout

For this portion of the test- You and a partner will be asked to build a model of on of 5 possible structures.

1.a molecule of Chitin

2. aspartame (a slightly altered dipeptide)

3. sucralose (a slightly altered sucrose)

4. Beta- glucose and Alpha glucose

You and your partner will be required to build the strucure while in class on Friday. You be randomly assigned a molecule at the start of class and your partner will be responsible for creating the structure using the modeling kits supplied.  Additionally you will be required to answer several questions about your molecule. You are welcome to bring notes and any materials that you have gathered about the structures to class on Friday.
